The Life of Emma Wood-house: Volume 1
Dear Abby,
My name is Emma Wood-house. I have 2 things I want you to advice me one. The first, I have a very active imagination, and a highly strong confidence, which sometimes gets me in trouble. You see, once my sister, Isabella told her daughter that I was conceited, and very spoiled than Isabella ever was. It hurt me alot that my own sister said that about me. Am I wrong Abby? Or is it me that needs to make a change for the better?
I mean, I know I may "butt into" some people's business, especially when it comes to people's love life, but I'm trying to get better on that.
Also, I'm not married, and haven't been very sociable in dating. However, there is this sweet, humble man named Mr. George Knightly. He's very nice, and very cheerful, which always did him good. He's very sweet to my father, and always makes me laugh. We always joke around with each other, and he amuses me. My father said that he was a "good man," and I know what he meant by that.
It's just, I'm not quite sure I'm ready for a relationship. I never said I wasn't going to accept him, but just the thought startles me because I usually try to pair people up, which I realized now that it got me in a little bit of trouble. My mother died when I was little, so I never had a "mother figure" in my life to give me advice about men and dating. And, I'm a little fearful of someone loving me. Any ways, I hope you can help me with this situation.
Emma Wood house
Dear Emma,
I can see you definitely have a problem. Emma, if you know truly in your heart that your sister is right, then YOU try to fix the problem. I'm not saying that you are wrong, I'm just saying in general. I'm sorry that your mother died when you were young. I'm sure it must be very hard to talk to someone about men and relationships. However, I still think that you should at least try to find that special man in your life. This "Mr. George Knightly" sounds like a nice guy, and respectable towards parents. You don't find men like that everyday that cheer and make a woman smile and happy. If even your father said that he was a good man, why not? Why not take the chance? Like I said, I know it might be very hard for you, especially because you never had a mother to ask for advice about these situations, but he sounds like a good guy. I can tell that his guy likes you, by the way you describe that he tries to make you laugh, and tries to make you smile. And, you don't want to push him away because of fear, because then, it'll be too late for you to get him back. STOP being concerned for other people's relationship, and worry for your own. It'll be a benefit for both you, and the people your trying to pair up with. I hope I helped you with your problem.
With best regards,
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